Málstofa í stærðfræði

Fyrirlesari: Ahmed Zeriahi
Titill: Weak solutions to degenerate complex Monge-Ampère Flows

Staðsetning: TG-227, Tæknigarður.
Tími: Föstudagur 4. september, klukkan 15:00-16:00.


Studying the (long-term) behavior of the Kähler-Ricci flow on mildly singular varieties, one is naturally lead to study weak solutions of degenerate parabolic complex Monge-Ampère equations. The purpose of this lecture is to explain how to develop a viscosity theory for degenerate complex Monge-Ampère flows on compact Kähler manifolds. Our general theory allows in particular to define and study the (normalized) Kähler-Ricci flow on varieties with canonical singularities, generalizing results of J. Song and G. Tian.
This is a joint work with P. Eyssidieux and V. Guedj (see arXiv:1407.2504).