Bergur Snorrason

Málstofa í stærðfræði

Fyrirlesari: Bergur Snorrason, Háskóla Íslands

Titill: Rudin-Carleson-setning fyrir margfaldlega samanhangandi svæði og með brúun

Staðsetning: Tg-227 í Tæknigarði.
Tímasetning: Fimmtudaginn 24. mars 2022, kl. 10:30.


A common topic in complex analysis is extensions and interpolation. We will prove a generalization of the Rudin-Carleson theorem extension theorem for finitely connected bounded domains in the complex plane. That is, for a continuous function on a closed set in the boundary of measure zero there is a holomorphic function on the domain continuous to the boundary. Furthermore, this can be done with interpolation at finitely many points in the domain.