Málstofa í stærðfræði

Fyrirlesari: Phillip Wesolek, Binghamton University

Titill: Totally disconnected locally compact groups: from examples to general theory

Staðsetning: HB-5 (Háskólabíó)
Tími: Mánudagur 5. mars kl. 10:50


Locally compact groups arise in many areas of mathematics as well as in physics. The study of locally compact groups splits into two cases: the connected groups and the totally disconnected groups. There is a rich and deep theory for the connected groups, which was developed over the last century. On the other hand, the study of totally disconnected locally compact groups groups only seriously began in the last 30 years, and moreover, these groups today appear to admit an equally rich and deep theory. In this talk, we will explore in details a wide variety of examples of totally disconnected locally compact groups. In particular, we discuss Lie groups over over the p-adic numbers, Galois groups, and automorphism groups of locally finite trees. We will then survey some recent results in the theory of totally disconnected locally compact groups.