Anna Helga Jónsdóttir och Benedikt Steinar Magnússon

[:is]Math colloquium

Fyrirlesari: Anna Helga Jónsdóttir og Benedikt Steinar Magnússon, Háskóli Íslands

Titill 1: Student evaluations of teaching at the University of Iceland – analysis of data from 2013 – 2017

Ágrip 1:

Student evaluations of teaching (ísl. kennslukönnun) is administrated at the end of each and every course at the University of Iceland with the purpose of improving teaching and learning. In the talk, analysis of data from student evaluations from 2013 to 2017 at the UI will be presented. Mixed effect models were used to investigate possible relationships between the grades students give courses and several variables, such as the age and gender of the student and the teacher, number of students taking the course and the average final grade in the course.

Titill 2: Online course notes in Edbook and the role of the textbook

Ágrip 2:

In the last years I, with the help of many good people, have been developing a platform for online course notes called Edbook ( It consists of using Sphinx, which was developed for and in Python, along with specialized extension suited for teaching material in Mathematics. We have been using these notes in a few courses, mostly big calculus courses. The students have overall been very happy with them but in the spring of 2019 I had students in Mathematical Analysis II (STÆ205G) answer a more detailed survey about their usage of the teaching material they used. I will introduce the Edbook platform and the results of the survey which raises some questions about the role of the textbook today.

Staðsetning: HB5 (Háskólabíó)
Tími: Föstudag 15.nóvember kl. 11:40


Math colloquium

Speakers: Anna Helga Jónsdóttir and Benedikt Steinar Magnússon, University of Iceland

Title 1: Student evaluations of teaching at the University of Iceland – analysis of data from 2013 – 2017.

Abstract 1:

Student evaluations of teaching (ísl. kennslukönnun) is administrated at the end of each and every course at the University of Iceland with the purpose of improving teaching and learning. In the talk, analysis of data from student evaluations from 2013 to 2017 at the UI will be presented. Mixed effect models were used to investigate possible relationships between the grades students give courses and several variables, such as the age and gender of the student and the teacher, number of students taking the course and the average final grade in the course.

Title 2: Online course notes in Edbook and the role of the textbook

Abstract 2:

In the last years I, with the help of many good people, have been developing a platform for online course notes called Edbook ( It consists of using Sphinx, which was developed for and in Python, along with specialized extension suited for teaching material in Mathematics. We have been using these notes in a few courses, mostly big calculus courses. The students have overall been very happy with them but in the spring of 2019 I had students in Mathematical Analysis II (STÆ205G) answer a more detailed survey about their usage of the teaching material they used. I will introduce the Edbook platform and the results of the survey which raises some questions about the role of the textbook today.[:]

Room: HB5 (Háskólabíó)
Time: Friday 22th November, 11:40hrs