
Málstofa: Rögnvaldur Möller

Fyrsta málstofa vetrarins verður 8 september, 11:40, í N-130Fyrirlesari: Rögnvaldur Möller (Háskóla Íslands) Titill:  Planting, growing and felling trees in group theoryÁgrip:  Trees and group actions on trees play an important role in many branches of group theory:  Bass-Serre theory is one of the cornerstones of geometric group theory, the automorphism groups of a regular

Málstofa: Rögnvaldur Möller Read More »

Málstofa: Dagur Tómas Ásgeirsson

Fyrsta málstofa ársin verður þriðjudaginn 17. janúar kl 13:20 í Naustinu, húsi Endurmenntunar (sami staður og fyrir áramót). Fyrirlesari er Dagur Tómas Ásgeirsson, Kaupmannahafnarháskóla (og Háskóla Íslands). Titill hans er Condensed Mathematics. Ágrip:​ In this expository talk we explain recent work of Dustin Clausen and Peter Scholze about a form of generalised topological spaces called

Málstofa: Dagur Tómas Ásgeirsson Read More »

Málstofa: János Ruff

Þriðja málstofa haustsins verður föstudaginn 30. september ​​​​kl 10:00 (athugið óvenjulegan tíma) í Naustinu húsi Endurmenntunar. Fyrirlesari er János Ruff, University of Pécs, Ungverjalandi. Titill hans er Finite Geometry and cardgames Abstract: Finite geometry is a rather new area in the intersection of geometry, algebra and combinatorics. The intuition generally comes from geometry and the

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George A. Willis (13/10/14)George A. Willis (13/10/14)

Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: George A. Willis, University of Newcastle, Australia Titill: Why locally compact groups are interesting and what can be said about them Staðsetning: V-157, VRII Tími: Mánudagur 13. október, frá 15:30 til 16:30. Math Colloquium Speaker: George A. Willis, University of Newcastle, Australia Title: Why locally compact groups are interesting and what

George A. Willis (13/10/14)George A. Willis (13/10/14) Read More »

Sverre Smalø (30/01/14)Sverre Smalø (30/01/14)

Málstofa í stærðfræði Speaker: Sverre Smalø, Trondheim Title: Finite dimensional representations of finitely generated associative algebras Date and time: January 30th at 15:00 Place: VR-157. Málstofa í stærðfræði Speaker: Sverre Smalø, Trondheim Title: Finite dimensional representations of finitely generated associative algebras Date and time: January 30th at 15:00 Place: VR-157.

Sverre Smalø (30/01/14)Sverre Smalø (30/01/14) Read More »