Málstofa í stærðfræði

Arnbjorg Soffia Arnadottir

[:is]Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Arnbjorg Soffia Arnadottir,University of Waterloo Titill: Continuous Quantum Walks Staðsetning: VR-II, V-158 Tími: Fimmtudag 22.ágúst kl. 11:00 Ágrip: Continuous quantum walks arise naturally as quantum analogues of continuous random walks, but in contrast to their classical counterparts, they exhibit some curious and counter-intuitive properties. I will give an introductory talk on continuous quantum walks […]

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Finnur Lárusson

[:is]Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Finnur Lárusson, Adelaide University Titill: Chaotic holomorphic automorphisms of Stein manifolds with the volume density property Staðsetning: VR-II, V-158Tími: þriðjudagur 9. júlí kl. 11.00 Ágrip: I will report on joint work with Leandro Arosio.  Let $X$ be a Stein manifold of dimension $n\geq 2$ satisfying the volume density property with respect to an exact

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Guðmundur Magnússon

[:is]Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Guðmundur Magnússon, HI Titill: Multi Dispatcher Systems and interacting policies Staðsetning: VR-II, V-258Tími: þriðjudagur 18. júní kl. 11.00 Ágrip: This project explores the performance of parallel server system. The focus of the project is a system using multiple heuristic policies to route jobs to a server. To achieve this there is

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Wolfgang Woess

[:is]Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Wolfgang Woess, TU Graz Titill: THE LANGUAGE OF SELF-AVOIDING WALKS Staðsetning: VR-II, V-155Tími: þriðjudagur 4. júní kl. 11.00 Ágrip: Let X = (VX, EX) be an infinite, locally finite, connected graph withoutloops or multiple edges. We consider the edges to be oriented, and EX is equipped withan involution which inverts the

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Primoz Potocnik

[:is]Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Primoz Potocnik, University of Ljubljana Titill: Symmetries of finite graphs – a personal overview Staðsetning: VR-II, V-158Tími: þriðjudagur 28. maí kl. 11.00 Ágrip: Whether a graph is more or less symmetric is typically measured in terms of its automorphism group consisting of all permutation of its vertices which preserves the adjacency

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Giulio Cerbai

[:is]Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Giulio Cerbai, University of Florence Titill: Sorting Permutations Using Pattern-Avoiding Stacks Staðsetning: Tg-227 Tími: Fimmtudagur 9. maí kl. 11.40 Ágrip: The problem of sorting a permutation using a stack was proposed by Knuth in the 1960s. As it is well known, sortable permutations can be characterized in terms of pattern avoidance

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Arkadiusz Lewandowski

[:is]Málstofa í stærðfræði Titill: Families of peak functions and exposing maps in strictly pseudoconvex domains Fyrirlesari: Arkadiusz Lewandowski, Jagiellonian University Staðsetning: Tg-227 Tími: Fimmtudagur 2. maí kl. 11.40 Ágrip: It is known that given a smooth strictly pseudoconvex domain, all of its boundary points admit a peak function and an exposing map. We shall discuss

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Iman Mehrabi Nezhad

[:is]Málstofa í stærðfræði Titill: Properties of solution trajectories for a metrically regular generalized equation Fyrirlesari: Iman Mehrabi Nezhad, HÍ Staðsetning: VR-II 258Tími: Fimmtudagur 11. apríl kl. 10.00 Ágrip: The presentation starts from a tangible example, analysis of electrical circuits. Using the circuit theory laws, and considering set-valued maps to model the i-v characteristics of semiconductors like diode, and transistor, a generalized equation is obtained.

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Ahmed Zeriahi (28/03/2019)

[:is]Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Ahmed Zeriahi, Université Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier Titill: Pluripotential Kähler-Ricci flows Staðsetning: VR-II 258Tími: Fimmtudagur 28. mars kl. 11.40 Ágrip: We will first give an introduction to the Kähler-Ricci flow on Kähler compact manifolds. Next, we will review a recent joint work with Chinh H. Lu and Vincent Guedj on a

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