Málstofa í tölfræði
Fyrirlesari: Douglas P. Wiens, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta
Titill: Robustness of Design: A Survey
Staðsetning: V-147, VRII
Tími: Föstudagur 12. september, frá 12:00 til 13:00
When an experiment is conducted for purposes which include fitting a particular model to the data, then the ‘optimal’ experimental design is highly dependent upon the model assumptions – linearity of the response function, independence and homoscedasticity of the errors, etc. When these assumptions are violated the design can be far from optimal, and so a more robust approach is called for. We should seek a design which behaves reasonably well over a large class of plausible models.
I will review the progress which has been made on such problems, in a variety of experimental and modelling scenarios – prediction, extrapolation, discrimination, survey sampling, dose-response, etc.
Statistics colloquium
Speaker: Douglas P. Wiens, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta
Title: Robustness of Design: A Survey
Location: V-147, VRII
Time: Friday September 12, at 12:00-13:00
When an experiment is conducted for purposes which include fitting a particular model to the data, then the ‘optimal’ experimental design is highly dependent upon the model assumptions – linearity of the response function, independence and homoscedasticity of the errors, etc. When these assumptions are violated the design can be far from optimal, and so a more robust approach is called for. We should seek a design which behaves reasonably well over a large class of plausible models.
I will review the progress which has been made on such problems, in a variety of experimental and modelling scenarios – prediction, extrapolation, discrimination, survey sampling, dose-response, etc.