[:is]Málstofa í stærðfræði
Fyrirlesari: Long Li, Háskóli Íslands
Titill: On the constant scalar curvature Kaehler metrics with cone like singularities along divisors
Staðsetning: V-258, VR-II
Tími: Fimmtudagur 14. febrúar kl. 11.40
In this talk, we will discuss the uniqueness and the existence problems for the constant scalar curvature Kaehler(cscK) metrics with conic singularities along divisors, on a compact complex Kaehler manifold. The uniqueness of these conic cscK metrics follows from the convexity of the so called conic-Mabuchi functional along geodesics in the space of all conic Kaehler metrics. The proof of the existence traces back to a conic version of Chen’s continuity path for cscK metrics, and we will establish all the sufficient „a prior estimates“ to prove the closedness of this continuity path.[:en]Math Colloquium
Speaker: Long Li
Title: On the constant scalar curvature Kaehler metrics with cone like singularities along divisors
Location: V-258, VR-II
Time: Thursday February 14 at kl. 11.40
In this talk, we will discuss the uniqueness and the existence problems for the constant scalar curvature Kaehler(cscK) metrics with conic singularities along divisors, on a compact complex Kaehler manifold. The uniqueness of these conic cscK metrics follows from the convexity of the so called conic-Mabuchi functional along geodesics in the space of all conic Kaehler metrics. The proof of the existence traces back to a conic version of Chen’s continuity path for cscK metrics, and we will establish all the sufficient „a prior estimates“ to prove the closedness of this continuity path.[:]