Málstofa: Gunnar Stefánsson

Næsta málstofa verður þriðjudaginn 14. mars kl 13:20 í Naustinu, húsi Endurmenntunar.
Fyrirlesari er Gunnar Stefánsson, Háskóla Íslands.
Titill fyrirlestrarins er The SmileyTutor tool for research and teaching: Design principles and results on its use in African slums and refugee camps.

Ágrip: The SmileyTutor (formerly tutor-web) is a web-based tool where students can practice mathematics, from elementary school up into university. A researcher can adjust a large number of settings to explore a variety of research questions. Quantitative and qualitative results will be given for the largest user bases, in African slums and refugee camps.