Fyrsta málstofa vetrarins verður 8 september, 11:40, í N-130
Fyrirlesari: Rögnvaldur Möller (Háskóla Íslands)Titill: Planting, growing and felling trees in group theory
Ágrip: Trees and group actions on trees play an important role in many branches of group theory: Bass-Serre theory is one of the cornerstones of geometric group theory, the automorphism groups of a regular trees are the quintessential examples of totally disconnected, locally compact groups and Tits’ theorem from 1970 gives a supply of infinite simple groups. In this talk I want to describe a construction that unifies all of these aspects (and some more).This is joint work with Florian Lehner (University of Auckland), Christian Lindorfer (TU Graz) and Wolfgang Woess (TU Graz).