Marko Slapar

Málstofa í stærðfræði

Fyrirlesari: Marko Slapar, Háskólanum í Ljubljana, Slóveníu

Titill: Thom conjecture in CP3

Staðsetning: Tg-227 í Tæknigarði.
Tímasetning: Fimmtudaginn 7. apríl 2022, kl. 10:30.


The result of Kronheimer and Mrowka from 1994 states that complex curves in CP2 are genus minimizers in their homology class. This is known as the Thom conjecture, and has been later extended to more general 4-manifolds. On the other hand, Freedman has already shown in 1977 that in CPn, with n greater than 2 and even, complex hypersurfaces are in general not the simplest representatives of their homology classes. We will give some overview of these results and show that a similar result also holds in CP3. This is joint work with D. Ruberman and S. Strle.