Málstofa í stærðfræði

Fyrirlesari: Matin Mojaza
Titill: Soft dilatons: In gravity and from conformal field theory

Staðsetning: V-148, VRII.
Tími: Föstudagur 19. febrúar kl. 11:00.


In this talk I will discuss the soft factorizing properties of two seemingly different particles, which are in the literature both referred to as dilatons; i.e. the dilaton in theories of gravity appearing e.g. in string theory and supergravity as the scalar partner of the graviton, and the dilaton appearing as the Nambu-Goldstone boson in theories of spontaneously broken conformal symmetry.

I will in particular show that tree level, on-shell gauge invariance can be used to fully determine the leading, sub-leading, and sub-sub-leading behaviors of soft gravitons as well as soft “gravity dilatons”, and that Ward-identies of conformal symmetry fully determine the leading, sub-leading, and sub-sub-leading behaviors of soft Nambu-Goldstone dilatons.

I will finally discuss the relation between the soft behavior of gravity dilatons and Nambu-Goldstone dilatons.