Math Phys seminar

Fyrirlesari: Matteo Baggioli, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Titill: Holographic quantum phase transitions: time to get dirty!

Staðsetning: HB-5 (Háskólabíó)
Tími: Mánudagur 9. apríl kl. 10:50


We study the effects of quenched one-dimensional disorder on the holographic Weyl semimetal quantum phase transition (QPT). We observe the smearing of the sharp QPT linked to the appearance of rare regions at the horizon where the local order parameter is non-zero. We discuss the role of the disorder correlation and we compare our results to the weakly coupled expectations from condensed matter theory and simulations. We analyze also the interplay of finite temperature and disorder and we find preliminary indications for the presence of log-oscillatory structures in the order parameter.