Málstofa í stærðfræði
Fyrirlesari: Valentina Giangreco Puletti
Titill: Integrable models in string theory
Staðsetning: V-158, VR-II.
Tímasetning: Þriðjudagur 29. apríl, 2014, frá 12:00 til 13:00.
In the last 10 years two-dimensional integrable models have been largely employed in string theory, and in particular in the context of the so-called gauge/gravity duality. Indeed, the discovery of these infinitely many „hidden’’ conserved charges, i.e. the integrability, has lead to immense progresses in understanding and confirming the duality. I will mostly review fundamental concepts and properties of those integrable models which are relevant to string theory (symmetric and semi-symmetric sigma-models), and I will briefly illustrate the main motivations behind this success.
Math Colloquium
Speaker: Valentina Giangreco Puletti
Title: Integrable models in string theory
Location: V-158, VR-II.
Time: Tuesday April 29, 2014, at 12:00 to 13:00.
In the last 10 years two-dimensional integrable models have been largely employed in string theory, and in particular in the context of the so-called gauge/gravity duality. Indeed, the discovery of these infinitely many „hidden’’ conserved charges, i.e. the integrability, has lead to immense progresses in understanding and confirming the duality. I will mostly review fundamental concepts and properties of those integrable models which are relevant to string theory (symmetric and semi-symmetric sigma-models), and I will briefly illustrate the main motivations behind this success.