[:is] Math Phys seminar
Fyrirlesari: Watse Sybesma, Háskóli Íslands
Titill: Myndun svarthola og risamassinn í miðju sólkerfisins.
Staðsetning: Via Zoom. Link to be sent.
Tími: Föstudag 30.október kl.12:00
Nóbelsverðlaunin í eðlisfræði í ár snúast um svarthol, bæði út frá kenningum og rannsóknum. Breski eðlisfræðingurinn Roger Penrose setti fram kenningu sem tengir saman myndun svarthola og almennu afstæðiskenninguna og þýski stjarneðlisfræðingurinn
Reinhard Genzel og bandaríski stjörnufræðingurinn Andrea Ghez hafa sýnt fram á að ósýnilegur og afar eðlisþungur hlutur stýrir hreyfingu stjarna í miðju sólkerfis okkar og risasvarthol er eina mögulega skýringin. Í fyrirlestrinum verður farið yfir þessar rannsóknir og þær kynntar. Athugið að fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku.[:en]
Math Phys colloquium
Speakers: Watse Sybesma, University of Iceland
Title: The formation of black holes and the supermassive object at the center of our galaxy.
Room: Via Zoom. Link to be sent.
Time: Friday 30th October, 12:00am
This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics is all about black holes with a narrative that covers both the theoretical and observational point of view. On the theoretical side: Roger Penrose, who showed that the theory of general relativity allows the formation of black holes. On the observational side: Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez, who provided evidence that an invisible and extremely heavy object governs the orbits of stars at the center of our galaxy. A supermassive black hole is the only currently known explanation. In this talk an introductory overview is provided. Watse Sybesma (born in 1989 in the Netherlands) obtained his PhD degree at the university of Utrecht in the Netherlands, where he worked on black holes related topics. Afterwards, he obtained a grant from the Icelandic research fund (Rannís) to further pursue this line of research at the mathematical physics group of the university of Iceland as a postdoctoral researcher.[:]