Author name: Benedikt Magnússon

Yadollah Zare, Galatasaray University

[:is] Math colloquium Fyrirlesari: Yadollah Zare, Galatasaray University Titill: Center conditions: pull-back of differential equations. Ágrip: The space of polynomial differential equations of a fixed degree with a center singularity has many irreducible components. We prove that pull-back differential equations form an irreducible component of such a space. This method is inspired by Ilyashenko and Movasati’s […]

Yadollah Zare, Galatasaray University Read More »

Meistarafyrirlestrar á næstunni

28. maí 14:00 Tölfræði Statistics Þórarinn Jónmundsson Líkön og aðferðir til að meta lærdóm: greining árangur nemenda í stærðfræðigreiningu Models and methods to evaluate learning: a case study of students enrolled in mathematical analysis 2. júní 11:00 Hagnýt TölfræðiApplied Statistics Þórey Heiðarsdóttir Greining með slembiþáttalíkani á þróun blóðþrýstings og gönguvegalengdar í tveggja ára langtímarannsókn Using mixed

Meistarafyrirlestrar á næstunni Read More »

María Óskarsdóttir, Háskólinn í Reykjavík

[:is] Math colloquium Fyrirlesari: María Óskarsdóttir, Háskólinn í Reykjavík Titill: Ranking nodes relative to influence with the Personalized PageRank algorithm applied to fraud detection and credit risk measurement Staðsetning: VRII-258Tími: Fimmtudagur 12.mars kl. 10:50 Ágrip: Various phenomena in both the physical and the digital world can be represented with networks, that is, entities that are

María Óskarsdóttir, Háskólinn í Reykjavík Read More »

Sangmin Lee, Seoul National University

 [:is] Math colloquium Fyrirlesari: Sangmin Lee, Seoul National University Titill: Complete 1st post-Minkowskian potential from scattering amplitudes. Staðsetning: VHV-007 (Veröld)Tími: Mánudagur 24.Janúar kl.10:00 Ágrip: Building upon recent progress in applying amplitude techniques to perturbative general relativity, we propose a closed-form formula for the conservative Hamiltonian of a spinning binary system at the 1st post-Minkowskian order. It

Sangmin Lee, Seoul National University Read More »

Ragnar Sigurðsson, University of Iceland

[:is]Math colloquium Fyrirlesari: Ragnar Sigurðsson, University of Iceland Titill: Norms on complexifications of real vector spaces. Staðsetning: VRII-258 Tími: Fimmtudagur 6.febrúar kl. 10:50 Ágrip: The subject of this lecture is of general interest and it only requires knowledge of elementary linear algebra. The complexification V_C of a real vector space V is the smallest complex

Ragnar Sigurðsson, University of Iceland Read More »

Jakob Björnberg

[:is] Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Jakob Björnberg, Chalmers University of Technology Titill: Random permutations and Heisenberg models. Ágrip: We discuss probabilistic representations of certain quantum spin systems, including the ferromagnetic Heisenberg model, in terms of random permutations. Properties of the cycle structure of the random permutations are connected with phase transitions in the spin-system.  In

Jakob Björnberg Read More »

Lukas Schneiderbauer

[:is] Math colloquium Fyrirlesari: Lukas Schneiderbauer, Háskóli Íslands Titill: Non-Commutative Geometry: An introduction. Ágrip: This is my attempt to introduce non-commutative geometry to mathematicians. After putting forward the main ideas and main theorem(s), I will concentrate on the construction of simple examples in the context of fuzzy spaces (special cases of non-commutative geometries). In case

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Sigurður Freyr Hafstein

[:is]Math colloquium Fyrirlesari: Sigurður Freyr Hafstein, Háskóli Íslands Titill: Lyapunov functions for stochastic differential equations and their computation Staðsetning: HB5 (Háskólabíó) Tími: Föstudag 15.nóvember kl. 11:40 Ágrip: Attractors and their basins of attraction in deterministic dynamical systems are most commonly studied using the Lyapunov stability theory.  Its centerpiece is the Lyapunov function, which is an

Sigurður Freyr Hafstein Read More »

Iman Mehrabinezhad

[:is]Math colloquium Fyrirlesari: Iman Mehrabinezhad, Háskóli Íslands Titill: A new method for computation and verification of contraction metrics Staðsetning: HB5 (Háskólabíó) Tími: Föstudag 8.nóvember kl. 11:40 Ágrip: The determination of exponentially stable equilibria and their basin of attraction for a dynamical system given by a general autonomous ordinary differential equation can be achieved by means

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Daniel Fernández Moreno

[:is] Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Daniel Fernández Moreno, Háskóli Íslands Titill: The philosophy of emergent spacetime Staðsetning: HB5 (Háskólabíó) Tími: Föstudag 18.oktúber kl. 11:40 Ágrip: One of the most startling observations in recent theoretical physics is that certain phenomena are better described as resulting from a higher dimensional spacetime. The gauge-gravity correspondence projects them into

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