Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Tobias Zingg, Nordita Titill: plasmons and physical density-density response from holography Staðsetning: Aðalbygging A-069 Tími: Thursday October 4, at 1.20 -2.20 pm Ágrip: The holographic correspondence can be extended to identify plasmonic excitations in strongly correlated systems. These modes have relevance in the growing field of plasmonics, and play also a crucial role […]
Math Phys seminar
Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Kevin John Torres Grosvenor, Niels Bohr Institute Titill: Nonrelativistic Naturalness and the quest for Emergent Lorentz Symmetry Staðsetning: V-147 (VR-II) Tími: Þriðjudagur 22. maí kl. 10:30 Ágrip: I will discuss our proposal for a nonrelativistic solution to the Higgs mass hierarchy problem, its dependence on the emergence of various shift symmetries,
Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Matteo Baggioli, Autonomous University of Barcelona Titill: Holographic quantum phase transitions: time to get dirty! Staðsetning: HB-5 (Háskólabíó) Tími: Mánudagur 9. apríl kl. 10:50 Ágrip: We study the effects of quenched one-dimensional disorder on the holographic Weyl semimetal quantum phase transition (QPT). We observe the smearing of the sharp QPT linked