Málstofa í stærðfræði Speaker: Miroslav Englis, Mathematics Institute, Prague & Opava, Czech Republic Title: High-power asymptotics of weighted harmonic Bergman kernels Staðsetning: Naustið, Endurmenntun, VR-II, 158. Tímasetning: Fimmtudaginn 23. apríl, klukkan 11:00-12:00. Ágrip: The asymptotics of the weighted Bergman kernels with respect to the weight , where is a defining function for a smoothly bounded […]
Málstofa í stærðfræði
Málstofa í stærðfræði Speaker: Mitja Nedić, Stockholm University Title: q-conevxity Staðsetning: Interactive room, 2. hæð í Tæknigarði. Tími: Fimmtudagur 16. apríl, klukkan 15:00-16:00. Ágrip: We will begin the talk by recalling the notion of the Levi form and list some of its basic properties. With the help of the Levi form we then define plurisubharmonic
Málstofa í stærðfræði Speaker: Gestur Ólafsson, Louisiana State University Title: Discretization and atomic decomposition of Bergman spaces Staðsetning: Naustið, Endurmenntun (hér) Tími: Fimmtudagur 16. apríl, klukkan 15:00-16:00. Ágrip: We will discuss how representation theory can be used to construct invariant Banach spaces and functions. This theory goes back to the work of Feichtinger and Gröchenig
Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: David Lowe Titill: Cosmology from conformal field theory Staðsetning: VR-156 Tími: Þriðjudagur 31. febrúar, frá 15:00-16:00. Ágrip: Our universe appears to be entering a de Sitter phase, where expansion becomes dark energy dominated. In this limit, the isometries of the spacetime are the same as the conformal group. There exists an
Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Þórður Jónsson, Háskóli Íslands Titill: Exponential bounds on the number of triangulations Staðsetning: Naustið, Endurmenntun (hér) Tími: Fimmtudagur 26. febrúar, frá 15:00-16:00. Ágrip: We discuss the problem of bounding the number of 3-dimensional triangulations of the sphere as a function of the number of tetrahedra. We show how to establish an
Razieh Pourhasan (26/02/15)Razieh Pourhasan (26/02/15)
Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Razieh Pourhasan, Háskóli Íslands Titill: Out of the white hole: a holographic origin for the Big Bang Staðsetning: Naustið, Endurmenntun (hér) Tími: Fimmtudagur 26. febrúar, frá 15:00-16:00. Ágrip: While most of the singularities of General Relativity are expected to be safely hidden behind the event horizons by the cosmic censorship conjecture,
Razieh Pourhasan (26/02/15)Razieh Pourhasan (26/02/15) Read More »
Timo Alho (12/02/15)Timo Alho (12/02/15)
Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Timo Alho, Háskóli Íslands Titill: Clifford algebra as the fundamental structure of geometry, part II Staðsetning: Naustið, Endurmenntun (hér) Tími: Fimmtudagur 12. febrúar, frá 16:00-17:00. Ágrip: Today, elementary geometry is practiced in a variety of formalisms, such as Gibbs-Heaviside vector calculus, quaternions, exterior algebra and calculus, index gymnastics, and so on.
Timo Alho (12/02/15)Timo Alho (12/02/15) Read More »
Timo Alho (05/02/15)Timo Alho (05/02/15)
Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Timo Alho, Háskóli Íslands Titill: Clifford algebra as the fundamental structure of geometry Staðsetning: Naustið, Endurmenntun (hér) Tími: Fimmtudagur 5. febrúar, frá 15:00-16:00. Ágrip: Today, elementary geometry is practiced in a variety of formalisms, such as Gibbs-Heaviside vector calculus, quaternions, exterior algebra and calculus, index gymnastics, and so on. Each of
Timo Alho (05/02/15)Timo Alho (05/02/15) Read More »
Henning Úlfarsson (22/01/15)Henning Úlfarsson (22/01/15)
Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Henning Úlfarsson, Háskólinn í Reykjavík Titill: Struct: An algorithm for guessing the structure and enumeration of permutation sets Staðsetning: Naustið, Endurmenntun (hér) Tími: Fimmtudagur 22. janúar, frá 15:00-16:00. Höfundar: Michael Albert, Anders Claesson, Bjarki Gudmundsson, Henning Ulfarsson Ágrip: Struct is an algorithm being developed by the authors to guess the structure
Henning Úlfarsson (22/01/15)Henning Úlfarsson (22/01/15) Read More »
Katarzyna Lewandowska (22/12/14)Katarzyna Lewandowska (22/12/14)
Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Katarzyna Lewandowska Titill: Sierpiński’s scheme of research on the Axiom of Choice Staðsetning: V-157, VRII Tími: Mánudagur 22. desember, frá 15:00-16:00. Ágrip: In 1904 Ernst Zermelo has formulated the Axiom of Choice – the most interesting and the most discussed axiom after Euclid’s Axiom of Parallel. The debate on the status
Katarzyna Lewandowska (22/12/14)Katarzyna Lewandowska (22/12/14) Read More »