Málstofa: Diego Hidalgo

Næsta málstofa verður þriðjudaginn 28. febrúar kl 13:20 í Naustinu, húsi Endurmenntunar.

Fyrirlesari er Diego Hidalgo, Háskóla Íslands.
Titill fyrirlestrarins er A review of the Skyrme Model: a description of the low energy regime of Quantum Chromodynamics.

Ágrip: The Skyrme model is an effective field theory able to describe the low energy regime of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). In this talk, I will review the basic concepts of the Skyrme model with an emphasis on the construction of solitonic solutions and their relation to the description of Baryon matter. I will end by showing my contribution to this subject.