Málstofa: Ragnar Sigurðsson, framhald

Fyrirlesari: Ragnar Sigurðsson (Háskóla Íslands)
Stað- og tímasetning: 4. apríl kl. 11:40 í  Oddi O-106.
Titill:   The work of Sigurður Helgason on the Radon transformation. 
Ágrip:  The Radon transformation is the main mathematical tool behind medical morphology.   Sigurður Helgason made a major contribution to the theory of the Radon transform which had great impact on both theoretical aspects and applications.     In the lecture I will discuss the Radon transformation and try my best to explain the applications.    If I have time, then I will talk about Helgason’s supporting theorem and my generalization of it using techniques from complex analysis and pluripotential theory.