Málstofa: Ragnar Sigurðsson

Fyrirlesari: Ragnar Sigurðsson, Háskóli Íslands
Titill: Sigurður Helgason and the application of his work to medical morphology
Staðsetning: Oddi O-106, 21. mars, 11:40.

Ágrip: At the Christmas meeting of the Icelandic Mathematical Society I gave a memorial lecture on the life and work of Sigurður Helgason. This lecture was in Icelandic and therefore not accessible for all the mathematicians and students of mathematics and mathematical physics at the Science Institute.

In the lecture I will first give an overview of the life and work of Helgason, similar as the one at the meeting, but I have added some citations based on personal communication with Helgason and citations from memorial articles that have been written since Christmas.
I will mention a few milestones of Helgason’s work and concentrate on his work on the Radon transform.  The Radon transform is the mathematical tool behind the medical morphology and I will try my best to describe how that application works and the mathematical theory behind it.