Málstofa: Tarmo Uustalu

Fyrirlesari: Tarmo Uustalu, Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Titill: Skew categorical logic
Staðsetning: Oddi O-106, 14. mars, 11:40.
Ágrip: This is a talk on categorical logic as pioneered by Joachim Lambek in the late 1960s.
We are interested in weak logics of a particular kind – logics defined
by categories with some type of skew structure. I will mainly consider
skew monoidal categories of Szlachányi (2012): monoidal-like
categories where the unitality and associativity laws are not natural
isomorphisms but only natural transformations in a particular
direction. But I will also mention partially normally skew monoidal
categories and skew monoidal closed categories.
I will demonstrate how methods of structural proof theory make it
possible to uncover combinatorial properties of structures like this,
in particular to obtain coherence theorems.
Joint work with Niccolò Veltri, Cheng-Syuan Wan, Noam Zeilberger.