
Málstofa: Sigurður Jens Albertsson

Næsta málstofa verður þriðjudaginn 28. mars kl 13:20 í Naustinu, húsi Endurmenntunar. Fyrirlesari er Sigurður Jens Albertsson, Háskóla Íslands. Titill fyrirlestrarins er Reflections on geometry. Ágrip: Synthetic and analytic geometries study the inner structure of spaces. Spaces can be considered in a context of other spaces and then compared. The extrinsic viewpoint will be applied

Málstofa: Sigurður Jens Albertsson Read More »

Málstofa: János Ruff

Þriðja málstofa haustsins verður föstudaginn 30. september ​​​​kl 10:00 (athugið óvenjulegan tíma) í Naustinu húsi Endurmenntunar. Fyrirlesari er János Ruff, University of Pécs, Ungverjalandi. Titill hans er Finite Geometry and cardgames Abstract: Finite geometry is a rather new area in the intersection of geometry, algebra and combinatorics. The intuition generally comes from geometry and the

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