
Miðbiksmat/Midway evaluation: Alexia Nix

Speaker: Alexia Nix, University of Iceland Date: October 18 Time: 15.00 Place: VRII-156 Title: Wilson loops and precision holography Abstract: The main objective of this talk is the study of holography beyond the conformal paradigm. A specific example of this is realized through the study of 1/2-BPS Wilson loops in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories on […]

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Miðbiksmat/Midway evaluation: Vyshnav Mohan

Speaker: Vyshnav Mohan Date: October 16 Time: 13.00 Place: Oddi-203 Title: Complexity, Bulk Reconstruction, and Semiclassical Black Holes Abstract:  Quantum computational complexity is an information-theoretic measure that probes the finer details of the Hilbert space of a quantum system. We will study two of its avatars: Krylov complexity and holographic complexity. We will then show

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Miðbiksmat/Midway evaluation: Matthias Harksen

Speaker: Matthias Harksen Date: Thursday 10 October 2024 Time: 08:00 GMT Place: Stapi 108 Title: Non-Lorentzian symmetries and black holes Abstract: I will present my PhD research for the past two years which has been focused on considering what happens when we digress away from relativistic symmetries towards non-Lorentzian symmetries specifically in the framework of black

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Doktorsvörn: Álfheiður Edda Sigurðardóttir

Doktorsefni: Álfheiður Edda Sigurðardóttir Heiti ritgerðar: Margliðunálganir og fjölmættisfræði Dagsetning: 27. september 2024, 14:00-16:00 í Hátíðarsal Aðalbyggingar Háskóla Íslands Andmælendur: Dr. David Witt Nyström, prófessor við Chalmers Tækniháskóla og Gautaborgarháskóla í Svíþjóð, dr. Barbara Drinovec Drnovšek, prófessor við Háskólann í Ljubljana, Slóveníu Leiðbeinendur: Dr. Benedikt Steinar Magnússon, dósent við Raunvísindadeild Háskóla Íslands, Dr. Ragnar Sigurðsson,

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Miðbiksmat/Midway evaluation: Evangelos Tsolakidis

Speaker: Evangelos Tsolakidis Time and Place: September 16, kl. 13.20, VRII-138 Title: Deformations and Gauge Fields Abstract: Deformations of Quantum Field Theories are an essential tool in our collective attempt to understand the fundamental nature of our universe. They correspond to the so-called interaction terms of a theory, and affect experimentally measurable quantities. In this

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Miðbiksmat: Atli Fannar Franklín

Heiti verkefnis: Tölvuaðstoð við tilgátur í fléttufræði Nemandi:Atli Fannar Franklín Doktorsnefnd: Anders Claesson, prófessor við Raunvísindadeild HÍ (leiðbeinandi) Henning Úlfarsson, prófessor og deildarforseti Tölvunarfræðideildar Háskólans í Reykjavík Sigurður Örn Stefánsson, prófessor við Raunvísindadeild HÍ Sergey Kitaev, prófessor, University of Strathclyde Ágrip: Atli Fannar Franklín fer yfir framvindu við þróun tölvukerfisins PERQ, sem vinnur með veldaraðir

Miðbiksmat: Atli Fannar Franklín Read More »

Doktorsvörn: Hjörtur Björnsson

Doktorsefni: Hjörtur Björnsson Heiti ritgerðar: Lyapunov föll og slembin kerfi: Fræði og tölulegar aðferðir (Lyapunov Functions for Stochastic Systems: Theory and Numerics) Leiðbeinandi: Dr. Sigurður Freyr Hafstein, prófessor við Raunvísindadeild HÍ Einnig í doktorsnefnd: Dr. Sigurður Örn Stefánsson, prófessor við Raunvísindadeild HÍ Dr. Peter Giesl, prófessor við Háskólann í Sussex, Bretlandi Andmælendur: Dr. Gerardo Barrera

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Midway evaluation, Daniel Amankwah

Room: Via Zoom. Link to be sent.Time: Friday, December 11, at 10:00. Doctoral student: Daniel Amankwah Project title: Scaling limits of random, face-weighted, tree like planar maps. Project description: The doctoral project lies in the scope of random planar maps. We investigate scaling limits of various classes of discrete planar maps which are by construction “tree-like”.

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Juan Fernando Angel Ramelli

PhD defense, Friday November 6 at 14.00, in Veröld, room 023 Entanglement in Quantum Lifshitz Theories The defense will be streamed Live stream: Opponents: Dr. Stefan Vandoren, Professor at Utrecht University, The Netherlands.Dr. Jens Hjörleifur Bárðarson, Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Advisor: Dr. Valentina Giangreco Puletti, Professor at the Faculty of Physical Sciences,

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