Málstofa í stærðfræði

Málstofa: Lars Martin Sektnam

Speaker: Lars Martin Sektnan (Chalmers Institute of Technology and University of Gothenburg) Title: Constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics and semistable vector bundles When: Wednesday,  November 6, at 10:00 Where: Room 147 in VR-II Abstract: A central question in Kähler geometry is if a Kähler manifold admits a canonical metric, such as a Kähler-Einstein metric or

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Málstofa: Bergur Snorrason (Part III)

When: Friday,  November 1, at 11:40 Where: Room 156 in VR-II Speaker: Bergur Snorrason (University of Iceland) Title: The Bernstein-Walsh-Siciak theorem Abstract: An important topic in complex analysis is polynomial approximation. We will look at classic results regarding polynomial approximation, culminating in the Bernstein-Walsh-Siciak theorem, which leverages pluripotential theory to relate analytic continuation to polynomial approximations.

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Málstofa: Bergur Snorrason (II)

When: Friday,  October 25, at 11:40 Where: Room 156 in VR-II Speaker: Bergur Snorrason (University of Iceland) Title: Generalizing Siciak’s product formula Abstract: In pluripotential theory, the Siciak-Zakharyuta extremal functions are well studied. Siciak described how the Siciak-Zakharyuta function associated to a cartesian product relates to the Siciak-Zakharytua functions associated to each of the terms in

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Málstofa: Bergur Snorrason

Fyrirlesari: Bergur Snorrason, HÍ Titill: Methods of approximation and their place in pluripotential theory Staðsetning og tími: VR-II 156, föstudaginn 18. oct, kl 11:40 Ágrip: We will discuss several approximation operators and how they can be used to show the regularity of certain extremal functions from pluripotential theory. The tools behind these operators include integral

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Málstofa: Ragnar Sigurðsson, framhald

Fyrirlesari: Ragnar Sigurðsson (Háskóla Íslands) Stað- og tímasetning: 4. apríl kl. 11:40 í  Oddi O-106. Titill:   The work of Sigurður Helgason on the Radon transformation.  Ágrip:  The Radon transformation is the main mathematical tool behind medical morphology.   Sigurður Helgason made a major contribution to the theory of the Radon transform which had great impact on

Málstofa: Ragnar Sigurðsson, framhald Read More »