Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Daniel Friedan, Rutgers University and University of Iceland Titill: Quasi Riemann Surfaces Staðsetning: TG-227 (Tæknigarður, 2. hæð) Tími: Föstudagur 26. ágúst kl. 13:20. Ágrip: This will be a talk about some speculative mathematics (analysis) with possible applications in quantum field theory. I will leave any mention of quantum field theory to […]

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Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Brittany A. Erickson Titill: A Finite Difference Method for Plastic Response with an Application to the Earthquake Cycle Staðsetning: V-157, VR-II. Tími: Mánudagur 8. ágúst kl. 13:20. Ágrip: We are developing an efficient, computational framework for simulating multiple earthquake cycles with off-fault plastic response. Both rate-independent and viscoplasticity are considered, where

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Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Anthony Bonato Titill: Conjectures on Cops and Robbers Games on Graphs Staðsetning: TG-227 (Tæknigarður, 2. hæð) Tími: Fimmtudagur 30. júní kl. 13:20. Ágrip: The game of Cops and Robbers gives rise to a rich set of conjectures, mainly associated with the cop number of a graph. Arguably the most important such

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Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Sylvain Arguillère Titill: Constrained Shape Analysis Through Flows of Diffeomorphisms Staðsetning: TG-227 (Tæknigarður, 2. hæð) Tími: Föstudagur 24. júní kl. 13:20. Ágrip: The general purpose of shape analysis is to compare different shapes in a way that takes into account their geometric properties, such as smoothness, number of self-intersection points, convexity…

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Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Adam Timar, Renyi Institute, Budapest Titill: Allocation rules for the Poisson point process Staðsetning: Árnagarður 101. Tími: Föstudagur 3. júní, klukkan 13:20-14:20. Ágrip: Consider the Poisson point process in Euclidean space. We are interested in functions on this random point set whose value in each configuration point is given by some

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Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Alessandra Cagnazzo Titill: Anomalous dimension in 2d non-linear sigma models. Staðsetning: TG-227, (tæknistofan, annarri hæð í Tæknigarði) Tími: Föstudagur 20. maí kl. 13:20. Ágrip: 2d non-linear sigma models are widely used in high and low energy physics. In my talk I will present how to compute the one-loop anomalous dimension for

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Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Eggert Briem Titill: Real Banach algebras and norms on real spaces. Staðsetning: V-157, VRII. Tími: Föstudagur 8. apríl kl. 13:20. Ágrip: A commutative complex unital Banach algebra can be represented as a space of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space via the Gelfand transform. However, in general it is not

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Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Jakob Björnberg Titill: Random permutations and quantum Heisenberg models Staðsetning: V-157, VRII. Tími: Föstudagur 1. apríl kl. 13:20. Ágrip: The interchange process (or random-transposition random walk) is a model for random permutations which is closely related to a model from quantum statistical physics (the ferromagnetic Heisenberg model). In fact, certain ‘cycle-weighted’

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Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: François David Titill: Planar maps, circle patterns and 2D gravity Staðsetning: V-157, VRII. Tími: Föstudagur 11. mars kl. 13:20. Ágrip: I present a model of random planar triangulations (planar maps) based on circle patterns and discuss its properties. It exemplifies the relations between discrete random geometries in the plane, conformally invariant

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