Razieh Pourhasan (26/02/15)Razieh Pourhasan (26/02/15)
Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Razieh Pourhasan, Háskóli Íslands Titill: Out of the white hole: a holographic origin for the Big Bang Staðsetning: Naustið, Endurmenntun (hér) Tími: Fimmtudagur 26. febrúar, frá 15:00-16:00. Ágrip: While most of the singularities of General Relativity are expected to be safely hidden behind the event horizons by the cosmic censorship conjecture, […]
Razieh Pourhasan (26/02/15)Razieh Pourhasan (26/02/15) Read More »