Anna Helga Jónsdóttir (29/09/14)Anna Helga Jónsdóttir (29/09/14)

Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Anna Helga Jónsdóttir, University of Iceland Titill: The performance of first year students on a diagnostic test of basic mathematical skills Staðsetning: V-157, VRII Tími: Mánudagur 29. september, frá 15:00 til 16:00. Ágrip: Dropout-rates and poor performance of students in first year courses in calculus in the School of Engineering and […]

Anna Helga Jónsdóttir (29/09/14)Anna Helga Jónsdóttir (29/09/14) Read More »

Auðunn Skúta Snæbjarnarson (01/10/14)Auðunn Skúta Snæbjarnarson (01/10/14)

Meistaraprófsfyrirlestur Auðunn Skúta Snæbjarnarson Titill: Approximation of Holomorphic Functions in the Complex Plane Staðsetning: Askja, 130. Tímasetning: Miðvikudagur 1. október, klukkan 16:40. Ágrip: Fjallað er um nálganir á fáguðum föllum, með margliðum, ræðum föllum eða heilum föllum. -tilvistararsetning Hörmanders fyrir Cauchy-Riemann virkjann er notuð til þess að sanna alhæfingu á setningu Bernstein-Walsh, sem lýsir jafngildi

Auðunn Skúta Snæbjarnarson (01/10/14)Auðunn Skúta Snæbjarnarson (01/10/14) Read More »

Kristinn Guðnason (30/09/14)Kristinn Guðnason (30/09/14)

Meistaraprófsfyrirlestur Kristinn Guðnason Titill: Numerical Approximation of Elastic Body with Tresca Friction Boundary Condition Staðsetning: VR-II, 155. Tímasetning: Þriðjudagur 30. september, klukkan 16:30. Ágrip: Í þessari MS-ritgerð er fjallað um tvívítt líkan af sívalningslaga línulegu teygjanlegu efni sem er einsátta og einsleitt í tvíhliða núningssnertingu við stíft yfirborð. Töluleg úrlausn á þessu verkefni reynist vera

Kristinn Guðnason (30/09/14)Kristinn Guðnason (30/09/14) Read More »

Benedikt Magnússon (22/09/14)Benedikt Magnússon (22/09/14)

Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Benedikt Magnússon Titill: Carleman approximations Staðsetning: V-157, VRII Tími: Mánudagur 22. september, frá 15:00 til 16:00. Ágrip: I will introduce Carleman’s remarkable extension of the Weierstrass approximation theorem. In its simplest form it states that if and are continuous functions on the real line , and then there exists an entire

Benedikt Magnússon (22/09/14)Benedikt Magnússon (22/09/14) Read More »

Thomas Vallier (15/09/14)Thomas Vallier (15/09/14)

Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Thomas Vallier, University of Iceland Titill: Bootstrap percolation on the random graph Staðsetning: V-157, VRII Tími: Mánudagur 15. september, frá 15:00 til 16:00. Ágrip: Bootstrap percolation on the random graph is a process of spread of “activation” on a given realization of the graph with a given number of initially active

Thomas Vallier (15/09/14)Thomas Vallier (15/09/14) Read More »

Douglas P. Wiens (12/09/14)Douglas P. Wiens (12/09/14)

Málstofa í tölfræði Fyrirlesari: Douglas P. Wiens, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta Titill: Robustness of Design: A Survey Staðsetning: V-147, VRII Tími: Föstudagur 12. september, frá 12:00 til 13:00 Ágrip: When an experiment is conducted for purposes which include fitting a particular model to the data, then the ‘optimal’ experimental design

Douglas P. Wiens (12/09/14)Douglas P. Wiens (12/09/14) Read More »

Andrzej Borowiec: Fyrirlestrar um heimsfræðiAndrzej Borowiec: Mini course on Cosmology

Fyrirlestraröð Fyrirlesari: Andrzej Borowiec Titill: Twisted techniques in deformation quantization. Part 2: Thursday, September 11th, 16:00-17:30 in room V-156, VR-II. Part 3: Friday, September 12th, 15:00-16:30 in room V-155, VR-II. Abstract: Deformation quantization is a generalization of Weyl quantization extended to Poisson manifolds (Fedosov, Kontsevich). It is based on deformation theory of algebraic structures introduced

Andrzej Borowiec: Fyrirlestrar um heimsfræðiAndrzej Borowiec: Mini course on Cosmology Read More »

Andrzej Frydryszak (08/09/14)Andrzej Frydryszak (08/09/14)

Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Andrzej Frydryszak, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw Titill: Heisenberg supergroup in phase superspace Staðsetning: V-157, VRII Tími: Mánudagur 8. september, frá 15:00 til 16:00. Ágrip: I will discuss a generalization of the Heisenberg group and the harmonic analysis on it to superspace, and show that the super-Heisenberg group plays

Andrzej Frydryszak (08/09/14)Andrzej Frydryszak (08/09/14) Read More »

Jerzy Lukierski (04/09/14)Jerzy Lukierski (04/09/14)

Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Jerzy Lukierski, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw Titill: Quantum Gravity – a brief conceptual summary Staðsetning: V-156, VRII Tími: Fimmtudagur 4. sept, frá 15:00 til 16:00. Ágrip: After short historical overview we describe the difficulties with application of standard QFT methods in quantum gravity (QG). The incompatibility of QG

Jerzy Lukierski (04/09/14)Jerzy Lukierski (04/09/14) Read More »

Andrzej Borowiec (28/08/14)Andrzej Borowiec (28/08/14)

Málstofa í stærðfræði Fyrirlesari: Andrzej Borowiec, University of Wroclaw, Institute for Theoretical Physics Titill: Twisted techniques in deformation quantization Staðsetning: V-155, VRII Tími: Fimmtudaginn 28. ágúst, frá 16:00 til 17:30. Ágrip: Deformation quantization is a generalization of Weyl quantization extended to Poisson manifolds (Fedosov, Kontsevich). It is based on deformation theory of algebraic structures introduced

Andrzej Borowiec (28/08/14)Andrzej Borowiec (28/08/14) Read More »