Author name: Valentina Giangreco

Málstofa: Bergur Snorrason

Fyrirlesari: Bergur Snorrason, HÍ Titill: Methods of approximation and their place in pluripotential theory Staðsetning og tími: VR-II 156, föstudaginn 18. oct, kl 11:40 Ágrip: We will discuss several approximation operators and how they can be used to show the regularity of certain extremal functions from pluripotential theory. The tools behind these operators include integral […]

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Doktorsvörn/PhD defense: Bergur Snorrason

Doktorsefni: Bergur Snorrason Heiti ritgerðar: Skorðaðar og vegnar margliðunálganir Dagsetning: 8. nóv – kl. 14:00-16:00, Askja Stofa 132 Andmælendur: Dr. Alexander Rashkovskii, prófessor við Háskólann í Stafangri, Noregi, Dr. Lars Martin Sektnan, dósent við Háskólann í Gautaborg, Svíþjóð Leiðbeinendur: Dr. Benedikt Steinar Magnússon, dósent við Raunvísindadeild Háskóla Íslands, Dr. Ragnar Sigurðsson, prófessor við Raunvísindadeild Háskóla

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Miðbiksmat/Midway evaluation: Vyshnav Mohan

Speaker: Vyshnav Mohan Date: October 16 Time: 13.00 Place: Oddi-203 Title: Complexity, Bulk Reconstruction, and Semiclassical Black Holes Abstract:  Quantum computational complexity is an information-theoretic measure that probes the finer details of the Hilbert space of a quantum system. We will study two of its avatars: Krylov complexity and holographic complexity. We will then show

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Miðbiksmat/Midway evaluation: Matthias Harksen

Speaker: Matthias Harksen Date: Thursday 10 October 2024 Time: 08:00 GMT Place: Stapi 108 Title: Non-Lorentzian symmetries and black holes Abstract: I will present my PhD research for the past two years which has been focused on considering what happens when we digress away from relativistic symmetries towards non-Lorentzian symmetries specifically in the framework of black

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Meistaravörn í kennilegri eðlisfræði – Masters defence in theoretical physics

On Thursday, September 26, Luis Alberto León Andonayre will defend his master thesis. He will give a 30 min open lecture about his project with the title: „On quantum entanglement and deformations of chiral fermions“. The lecture takes place online at 13.20 and will be in English. Supervisor: Valentina Giangreco Puletti. MSc committee: Jesús Zavala.

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Miðbiksmat/Midway evaluation: Evangelos Tsolakidis

Speaker: Evangelos Tsolakidis Time and Place: September 16, kl. 13.20, VRII-138 Title: Deformations and Gauge Fields Abstract: Deformations of Quantum Field Theories are an essential tool in our collective attempt to understand the fundamental nature of our universe. They correspond to the so-called interaction terms of a theory, and affect experimentally measurable quantities. In this

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Meistaravörn í kennilegri eðlisfræði – Masters defence in theoretical physics

On Friday, May 10th, Sixten Arthur Henrik Nordegren will defend his master thesis. He will give a 30 min open lecture about his project with the title: „Numerical Searches for Supergravity Vacua“. The lecture takes place at 14:00 in room 147 in VR-II and will be in English. Supervisor: Friðrik Freyr Gautason. Examiner: Davide Astesiano.

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Meistarafyrirlestur í kennilegri eðlisfræði / MSc lecture in Theoretical Physics

On Monday, May 22 at 13.20 in VR-II, room 155, Deepali Singh will present her master thesis.  Speaker: Deepali Singh Advisors:  Friðrik Freyr Gautason, Valentina Giangreco Puletti Examiner: Davide Astesiano Time and place: May 22 at 13.20, VR-II 155 Title: Bosonic Fluctuations in Semiclassicaly Quantized Strings Abstract: The overall focus of this thesis is the calculation

Meistarafyrirlestur í kennilegri eðlisfræði / MSc lecture in Theoretical Physics Read More »