Author name: Benedikt Magnússon

Málstofa: Szabolcs Horvát

Fyrirlesari: Szabolcs Horvát (Háskólinn í Reykjavík) Titill: Characterizing spatial networks through β-skeletons 17. nóvember 17, kl. 11:40 í stofu 152 in VR-2 Ágrip: Network science has developed many methods for the characterization of networks, most being designed for generic sparse graphs. However, the nodes of many real-world networks exist in physical space, with only nearby

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Málstofa: Brigitte Servatius

13. október, 11:40 í N-130. Fyrirlesari: Brigitte Servatius (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Titill:  Random regular graphs and their rigidity properties in the plane. Ágrip: We start with some elementary examples of random regular graphs and an algorithm to generate them. We explain how graph theoretic properties such as regularity, planarity, and transitivity influence planar rigidity and

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Málstofa: Einar Bjarki Gunnarsson

October 6, 11:40 Room N-130 Speaker: Ejnar Bjarki Gunnarsson (University of Iceland) Title: The site frequency spectrum of a neutrally evolving tumor Abstract: The site frequency spectrum (SFS) is a popular summary statistic of genomic data, recording the frequencies of mutations within a given population. While the SFS of a constant-sized population undergoing neutral mutations

Málstofa: Einar Bjarki Gunnarsson Read More »

Meistaraprófsfyrirlestur: Arngunnur Einarsdóttir

Á þriðjudaginn næsta, 26. september kl. 11:00, mun Arngunnur Einarsdóttir kynna meistraprófsritgerð sýna. Fyrirlesturinn fer fram í 422 í Árnagarði. Titill: Convergence of power series in several complex variables Ágrip: This MS thesis is a study of convergence sets of power series. In one complex variable it is simple to describe the convergence, for if

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Málstofa: Alexander Rashkovskii

September 29, 11:40 Room N-130 Speaker: Alexander Rashkovskii (University of Stavanger, Norway) Title: Pluricomplex Green functions Abstract: The standard notion of Green’s functions for linear differential operators cannot be used directly in multidimensional complex analysis. Instead, several different concepts were introduced by choosing specific fundamental solutions of the (highly non-linear) complex Monge-Ampère equation. I will

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