Math Phys seminar

Miðbiksmat/Midway evaluation: Evangelos Tsolakidis

Speaker: Evangelos Tsolakidis Time and Place: September 16, kl. 13.20, VRII-138 Title: Deformations and Gauge Fields Abstract: Deformations of Quantum Field Theories are an essential tool in our collective attempt to understand the fundamental nature of our universe. They correspond to the so-called interaction terms of a theory, and affect experimentally measurable quantities. In this […]

Miðbiksmat/Midway evaluation: Evangelos Tsolakidis Read More »

Meistarafyrirlestur í kennilegri eðlisfræði / MSc lecture in Theoretical Physics

On Monday, May 22 at 13.20 in VR-II, room 155, Deepali Singh will present her master thesis.  Speaker: Deepali Singh Advisors:  Friðrik Freyr Gautason, Valentina Giangreco Puletti Examiner: Davide Astesiano Time and place: May 22 at 13.20, VR-II 155 Title: Bosonic Fluctuations in Semiclassicaly Quantized Strings Abstract: The overall focus of this thesis is the calculation

Meistarafyrirlestur í kennilegri eðlisfræði / MSc lecture in Theoretical Physics Read More »

Series of lectures by women in science and technology at the University of Iceland

Félag kvenna og kvára í stærðfræði og eðlisfræði kynna fyrirlestra þar sem konur við Verkfræði- og náttúrufræðisvið Háskóla Íslands kynna rannsóknir sínar og/eða kennslu. Haldnir verða tveir 20 mínútna fyrirlestrar hverju sinni og tími verður fyrir spurningar og spjall í lokin. Við hefjum leikinn næstkomandi mánudag, 30 janúar kl 12:30 (í VRII 157) með Ásdísi

Series of lectures by women in science and technology at the University of Iceland Read More »

Watse Sybesma, Háskóli Íslands

[:is] Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Watse Sybesma, Háskóli Íslands Titill: Myndun svarthola og risamassinn í miðju sólkerfisins. Staðsetning: Via Zoom. Link to be sent.Tími: Föstudag 30.október kl.12:00 Ágrip: Nóbelsverðlaunin í eðlisfræði í ár snúast um svarthol, bæði út frá kenningum og rannsóknum. Breski eðlisfræðingurinn Roger Penrose setti fram kenningu sem tengir saman myndun svarthola og

Watse Sybesma, Háskóli Íslands Read More »

Jakob Björnberg

[:is] Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Jakob Björnberg, Chalmers University of Technology Titill: Random permutations and Heisenberg models. Ágrip: We discuss probabilistic representations of certain quantum spin systems, including the ferromagnetic Heisenberg model, in terms of random permutations. Properties of the cycle structure of the random permutations are connected with phase transitions in the spin-system.  In

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Daniel Fernández Moreno

[:is] Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Daniel Fernández Moreno, Háskóli Íslands Titill: The philosophy of emergent spacetime Staðsetning: HB5 (Háskólabíó) Tími: Föstudag 18.oktúber kl. 11:40 Ágrip: One of the most startling observations in recent theoretical physics is that certain phenomena are better described as resulting from a higher dimensional spacetime. The gauge-gravity correspondence projects them into

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Danny Brattan

[:is]Math colloquium Fyrirlesari: Danny Brattan, University of Genoa Titill: Hydrodynamical charge density wave description for transport in the strange metal phase of cuprates Staðsetning: Naustið-EndurmenntunTími: Miðvikudag 9.oktúber kl. 11:00 Ágrip: The mechanism controlling the exotic behavior of the transport properties in the strange metallic phase of high temperature superconductors is one of the main unresolved

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Emil Have

[:is]Math phys colloquium Fyrirlesari: Emil Have, University of Edinburgh Titill: Newton-Cartan Submanifolds and Biophysical (Fluid) Membranes Staðsetning:  L-201 LögbergTími: Þriðjudag 8.oktúber kl. 11:00 Ágrip: Originally developed to provide a geometric foundation for Newtonian gravity, Newton-Cartan geometry and its torsionful generalization have recently experienced a revival of interest, particularly in the contexts of non-AdS holography and

Emil Have Read More »

Jesús Zavala Franco and Javier Israel Reynoso Córdoba

[:is] Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Jesús Zavala Franco, Háskóli Íslands og Javier Israel Reynoso Córdoba, Universidad de Guanajuato Titill: The Boltzmann equation for a rarefied fluid in linear perturbation theory Staðsetning: HB5 (Háskólabíó)Tími: Föstudag 4.oktúber kl. 11:40 Ágrip: Linear perturbation theory is the basis upon which we understand the initial growth of density perturbations in

Jesús Zavala Franco and Javier Israel Reynoso Córdoba Read More »

Hólmfríður Sigríðar Hannesdóttir

[:is] Math Phys seminar Fyrirlesari: Hólmfríður Sigríðar Hannesdóttir , Harvard University Titill: Infrared Finite S-matrix elements and Cross Sections Staðsetning: A-050Tími: Þriðjudag 27.ágúst kl. 14:00 Ágrip: Quantum field theory (QFT) works remarkably well for making theoretical predictions in collider scattering experiments. One of the fundamental objects in these calculations, the scattering matrix (S-matrix), is inspired

Hólmfríður Sigríðar Hannesdóttir Read More »