Author name: Valentina Giangreco

Meistaravörn í kennilegri eðlisfræði – Masters defence in theoretical physics

On Friday, May 10th, Sixten Arthur Henrik Nordegren will defend his master thesis. He will give a 30 min open lecture about his project with the title: „Numerical Searches for Supergravity Vacua“. The lecture takes place at 14:00 in room 147 in VR-II and will be in English. Supervisor: Friðrik Freyr Gautason. Examiner: Davide Astesiano.

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Meistarafyrirlestur í kennilegri eðlisfræði / MSc lecture in Theoretical Physics

On Monday, May 22 at 13.20 in VR-II, room 155, Deepali Singh will present her master thesis.  Speaker: Deepali Singh Advisors:  Friðrik Freyr Gautason, Valentina Giangreco Puletti Examiner: Davide Astesiano Time and place: May 22 at 13.20, VR-II 155 Title: Bosonic Fluctuations in Semiclassicaly Quantized Strings Abstract: The overall focus of this thesis is the calculation

Meistarafyrirlestur í kennilegri eðlisfræði / MSc lecture in Theoretical Physics Read More »

Conference for Young Researchers in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

The PhD students in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the Science Institute will present their work on May 19, in Askja, room N-130. Here you can see the preliminary schedule: 09.00-09.30 Álfheiður Edda Sigurðardóttir, Potential Theory 09.30-10.00 Evangelos Tsolakidis, Gedankenexperiment for Deformations 10.00-10.30 Coffee breaks 10.30-11.00 Tamari Meshveliani, Self-interacting dark matter: an overview 11.00-11.30 Matthias

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Fyrirlestraröð: Áhrif loftslagsbreytinga á jöklafræði og Stelpur diffra

Á þessu misseri munu nokkrar konur á Verkfræði og náttúruvísindasviði kynna rannsóknir sínar og/eða kennslu í röð hádegiserinda. Haldnir verða tveir 20 mínútna fyrirlestrar hverju sinni og tími verður fyrir spurningar og spjall í lokin.    Næstkomandi mánudag, 13. febrúar kl 12:30 (í VRII 157), munu Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttur (Jarðvísindadeild) og Nanna Kristjánsdóttir (Raunvísindadeild) halda erindi. Erindin að þessu sinni

Fyrirlestraröð: Áhrif loftslagsbreytinga á jöklafræði og Stelpur diffra Read More »

Series of lectures by women in science and technology at the University of Iceland

Félag kvenna og kvára í stærðfræði og eðlisfræði kynna fyrirlestra þar sem konur við Verkfræði- og náttúrufræðisvið Háskóla Íslands kynna rannsóknir sínar og/eða kennslu. Haldnir verða tveir 20 mínútna fyrirlestrar hverju sinni og tími verður fyrir spurningar og spjall í lokin. Við hefjum leikinn næstkomandi mánudag, 30 janúar kl 12:30 (í VRII 157) með Ásdísi

Series of lectures by women in science and technology at the University of Iceland Read More »

Phd positions in theoretical high-energy physics

The Science Institute, University of Iceland, invites applications for up to three PhD positions in theoretical high-energy physics.  Field of work  The successful candidates will join a research group engaged in frontline research at the intersection between quantum field theory and gravitational theory in the Mathematics Division of the Science Institute. The research is funded

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Juan Fernando Angel Ramelli

PhD defense, Friday November 6 at 14.00, in Veröld, room 023 Entanglement in Quantum Lifshitz Theories The defense will be streamed Live stream: Opponents: Dr. Stefan Vandoren, Professor at Utrecht University, The Netherlands.Dr. Jens Hjörleifur Bárðarson, Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Advisor: Dr. Valentina Giangreco Puletti, Professor at the Faculty of Physical Sciences,

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